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The wolf: it symbolizes the wild nature of Rome, and also the myth of how this city was founded. It also symbolizes how roman army works in group making it deadly and almost invincible

The eagle: this symbol is very important because Romans were the first ones that used an eagle that represents them and their army. The eagle is the king of the sky, is powerful, and elegant, it symbolizes all the Roman Empire was, mainly its greatness

The roman coliseum: This one is the most representative symbol of the Roman Empire, it shows what a great architecture they had and how much the appreciated war representations.

The paths: They symbolize Rome because in ancient time ´´all the paths go to Rome´´ and thanks to them Rome was able to be the great empire it was, without paths there could not be communication and therefore no empire

The´´ vomitorium´´: This was a place where all Romans used to go to eat all they could until they vomit and then they would start eating again, it symbolizes Rome because this one was a city of excess and nothing shows that better than the ´´vomitorium´´

The sword: This one was the main weapon in ancient Rome, ant it symbolizes it (Rome) because this empire was mostly a warriors empire, it gained all its territory fighting and had one of the most organized and important army of all times, that´s why the sword symbolizes Rome.

The cross: It symbolizes ancient Rome and religion how one of them grew thanks to the other one. The Roman Empire is the responsible of all the power Catholic Church has and had, they made Catholicism their official religion and they expanded it all over the world. It symbolizes how religious Romans were and how important religion was for them.

The clock: Even though time was known and studied before the Romans, they gave it a lot of importance to schedules and meeting and other thing that involved the use of clocks. They also invented roman numbers that are use until today in watches and clock, that´s why the clock is a symbol of Rome.

The capitolium: It symbolizes Rome because mainly it symbolizes law and order, and Romans created the basic of right and law, they created the congress and most of politic things that we use now days, that´s why it represents Rome

The gladiator: It symbolizes Rome because this city had as a great source of entertainment gladiator’s fight until death, which shows the wild spirit of Romans

The knife: This object is a symbol of Rome because it represents betrayal, and if roman history and even more, Julius Caesar show us something is that ancient Rome biggest changes occurred because of betrayal, mainly when the emperor was killed or replaced. 

Laurels: Antique roman emperors used to use a branch of laurels in their heads as a symbol of who they were and their power. Laurels represent emperors and power and therefore they are a symbol of Rome

Coin: The coin is a great symbol of Rome because mainly it’s a symbol of power, money and control over the humanity, and that’s what the Roman Empire represented in ancient times.

The parchment: The parchment represents law and organization, because once something is written (something being a law or an agreement) is very hard to act against it. Rome is where law was born and mostly written therefore the parchment is an important symbol of that city.

The wine: Even though Greeks used to drink wine and celebrate with it before the Romans, the second ones took it to another level. Because Rome was a city of excess they made huge parties and drank a lot of wine until they all got drunk, parties represent Rome, and wine was the most important thing in a party, therefore is a great Roman symbol.