* Aeneas: The son of Venus and Anchises, he was a noble fighter for Troy during the Trojan War. He escaped from Troy as the Greeks were sacking the city and went off in search of a place to establish the new Troy. He settled in Italy, where his descendants founded the city of Rome.
* alchemy: a medieval science aimed at the transmutation of metals, esp. base metals into gold
* awl: a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes
* basest: lowest
* barren: not bearing offspring
* Beseech: ask for or request earnestly
* cobbler: a person who makes or repairs shoes conscience
* chidden: scolded
* cogitations: thoughts
* Concave: curving inward
* conjure: evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic
* Colossus: (n.) a gigantic statue or thing (For 56 years, the ancient city of Rhodes featured a ___ standing astride its harbor.
* construe: make sense of
* Coronet: n. Inferior crown denoting, according to its form, various degrees of noble rank less than sovereign.
* epilepsy: a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions - many believe that this was the illness of Julius Caesar
* factious: causing disagreement
* fawn: try to gain favor by cringing or flattering
* ferret: search and discover through persistent investigation
* heralds: a person who comes before to announce what follows
* hinder: be a hindrance or obstacle to
* Ides: n., the middle (usually of March when Julius Caesar was murdered.)
* immortal: living forever
* incences: provoke
* Ingratitude: a lack of thankfulness
* knave: a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
* lamented: mourned or grieved for
* liable: held legally responsible
* loath: unwilling, reluctant
* Lupercal: old Roman fertility celebration, celebrated on February 13th
* meddle: intrude in other people's affairs or business
* mettle: the courage to carry on
* obscurely: dimly, unclearly
* offal : viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal often considered inedible by humans
* ordinance: set of laws
* praetor : an annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic
* prodigies: omens
* prodigious: so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
* rabblement: mob
* redress : act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
* rogues: Dishonest or worthless people
* Sense: of right and wrong
* servile: submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior
* soothsayer: someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)
* sole: the underside of footwear
* swound: fainting
* tempest: (literary) a violent wind
* Tiber: river flowing through Rome
* Tyranny: a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
* virtue: the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
* Vulgar: lacking refinement or cultivation or taste